
The Deserving is a 2024 supernatural horror movie a couple of depressed mute serial killer suffering from the ghosts of his victims. On the morning he plans to take his personal life he’s unexpectedly visited by a sudden walk-in consumer in want of a photograph shoot. The film goals to discover “themes of guilt, redemption, and the cyclical nature of abuse.”

Directed by S. S. Arora, who makes his characteristic debut, the Katha Productions film stars Venkat Sai Gunda, Simone Stadler and Kelsey Stalter.

The Deserving has already amassed a number of accolades, having received over fifteen awards together with Greatest Characteristic at Athens IFF, Greatest Horror at Hallucinea FF, and awards at Humro Cinema, Portugal Indie Movie Competition, and Rome Indie Movie Fest.

Leisure Squad has acquired worldwide rights to The Deserving from Katha Productions and can launch the movie on October 1, 2024, by way of its style label, The Horror Collective.

Speaking in regards to the movie’s launch, Producer Venkat Sai Gunda mentioned, “As a filmmaker, I’m thrilled to carry The Deserving to audiences worldwide. This movie is a labour of affection, exploring themes of suspense and psychological intrigue that I hope will captivate viewers. With its upcoming launch, I’m excited to share this cinematic journey with everybody who enjoys a thought-provoking thriller.”

Shaked Berenson, CEO of Leisure Squad, commented on the movie’s distinctive protagonist: “Having a mute character in The Deserving provides a compelling layer of depth and intrigue to the story, showcasing the modern storytelling we champion. This movie completely aligns with The Horror Collective’s mission of giving a stage to new and underrepresented voices that push the boundaries of the style. The Deserving is a testomony to that imaginative and prescient.”

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